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We all love Meat, right? Then we must know about our choices! Whether we go to the local market to purchase fresh chicken, mutton meat or seafoods, or shop for meat online, knowing certain butcher advice, ancestors facts, culinary variations, and animal origin is supportive. While choosing the meat, with certain look and touch meat facts, you can identify whether your raw meat is fresh, spoiled, low in quality, more exposed to air or good in quality. Today FARM2COOK will guide you with major things that help you shop for fresh poultry, goat meat or fish from store.


Few butchers have the ideology of spotting the quality meat by looking at the color of meat, smell of raw meat, cuts, meat surface, fat area or texture, and packaging or storage level. Our FARM2COOK meat expert standing behind the counter area has got immense knowledge over certain meat aspects that sustains a better meat selling environment for our dear customers in Texas.

Well by reading this blog, you may get a lot more idea about fresh quality meat than just ensuring the dish deliciousness from the kitchen.


CHICKEN : How to tell if it's fresh or not?


Clear Cuts

First and foremost, pay attention to the chicken's cuts. They should be properly sized and well-cut. One of the best methods to determine if your chicken is fresh is to look for clean slices.

While going to local meat stores, some might have the chance to look at the meat cuts took from live poultry counters.

You get the impression that the chicken being sold to you is fresh rather than old or leftover.



You may learn a lot about the freshness of the chicken by looking at its colour. Make sure you focus on this element. A young chicken would be rather pink in colour. Any chicken that isn't pinkish in colour is likely not as fresh as it may be.  



Check the chicken's tightness by touching it. Your chicken should be firm and somewhat bouncy if it is fresh. You will be able to determine if your chicken is fresh or not once you get a good feel for it. There's a chance the chicken isn't as fresh if the texture is a little runny or sticky.



Fresh chicken has no odour. Run the chicken under water and rinse it to see whether the smell is still there if you smell something strange or strong. If so, make sure to treat this as a warning sign and throw it out straight away. Do not use smelly chicken cuts, as it may bring health issues to your family.



GOAT/LAMB : How to tell if my mutton meat is spoiled?



Your mutton should seem red in colour. This shows the freshness of your meat and is a vivid shade of crimson. Don't panic, though, if some portions of the meat change to a dark purple colour. The meat's colour changes as a result of oxygen exposure, but your mutton is still very much fresh and has not been spoiled or aged.



Feel the meat with your hands to get a feeling of how it feels. The mutton should have a substantial feel to it and should resize itself upon being compressed. The mutton may not be as fresh as you'd like it to be if the meat is loose.



Always remember to smell the meat. Lamb typically doesn't have a distinct fragrance. The lamb might not be the freshest of all, though, if there is a strong stink or a faint gamy smell. Finding out how fresh your lamb is requires a close look for scent.


FISH : Buying Fish Might Be Tricky Sometimes!


When it comes to purchasing seafood or fish, always check the flesh texture, connected scales, smell, color, and mainly its eye.


Crystal Clear Eyes

Check the fish's eyes closely before purchasing it. The eyes will have a slight bulging and should be clear. Your fish is not fresh and is not suitable for ingestion if it has greenish or any other coloured eyes.



A fresh fish is shiny and covered in a metallic sheen. Your fish is as fresh as it can be based on this colour, which is a clear indicator. Look at the fish carefully; if it has any dark patches or flesh that is a bold colour, it could not be as fresh.



The fish's texture is crucial since it will indicate how fresh the fish is. It needs to be delicate, soft, yet slightly solid. The flesh needs to be slightly elastic as well. The fish could be stale if the meat is not soft but rather smudgy or sticky. Additionally, keep an eye out for any milky, sticky substance. If your fish is pouring out, throw it away right away because it should not be eaten.


In a conclusion, we hope this FARM2COOK blog might be helpful for you before buying fresh meat online. Do follow our recipe pages and social media pages. Order your favourite chicken, lamb meat, goat meat, fresh fish online from FARM2COOK today. See yea!

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